How to create a B2B webstore quickly without compromising ecommerce strategy


January 25, 2016

This “Out of the Box” B2B Webstore is Ready to Deploy

If you’re selling products to other businesses they’re likely to be demanding an increasingly more B2B appropriate experience from your ecommerce webstore (if you’ve got one); or worse still going elsewhere to another competitor (if you don’t!).

B2B ecommerce is renowned for being far more complex than its B2C equivalent, which is why B2B technology projects can be considerably more complex than B2C to both specify and manage.

As a result, it’s a fact most B2B ecommerce projects, especially if engineered by an agency from scratch, can take a very long time and absorb huge costs along the way to implement.

But what if you’re an organisation that (A) doesn’t have particularly complex B2B ecommerce requirements; or (B) doesn’t have hundreds of thousands of technology budget to dedicate to B2B ecommerce; or (C) wants to go to market with a robust and excellent B2B webstore as quickly as possible.

Increasing numbers of manufacturers and distributors have customers who are near screaming out at them for a better B2B webstore experience. It is precisely for these companies that Netalogue™ B2B Lite is the perfect antidote.

B2B Functionality

Netalogue B2B Lite provides companies, whose B2B requirements are routine and straightforward, with a perfect assortment of ‘out of the box’ ready B2B ecommerce functionality – enabling them to launch amazing quality B2B webstore or portals for their customers, which deal effectively with the immediate online B2B requirements of their customers.

Netalogue™ B2B Lite can enable you to deliver your B2B webstore on time and on budget. It is also fully upgradable to all enterprise editions of the Netalogue™ B2B Ecommerce Platform, ensuring Lite adopters have an existing upgrade roadmap which they are able to leverage as their online business requirements grow.

We believe this unique B2B Lite solution provides a highly effective route for companies whose business model dictates they should be using a dedicated B2B ecommerce platform without breaking budgets or timelines. Companies who perhaps would have previously elected to pay an agency to retro-fit bespoke functionality to an ill-equipped B2C webstore in an attempt to patch their B2B gaps and make good.

If you would like to find out more about this Lite product and see it working please contact us for a chat.

Alternatively, If Your B2B Requirements Are More Complex…

If your company requires more sophisticated B2B ecommerce capabilities then Netalogue’s full enterprise platform offers exceptional capabilities for mid to large enterprise organisations.

To Find Out More

If you are interested in learning more about TrueCommerce Netalogue B2B ecommerce and customer self-service please contact us.

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