Frank Roberts & Sons: EDI Case Study

International baker relies on TrueCommerce and SAP for business critical EDI capability

Picture this… You are a thriving international business, with two million of the finest loaves, rolls and morning goods baked each week for retail and catering customers throughout the UK, Europe and beyond.

But, in the food business EDI is an essential ingredient of a winning mix. Any interruption in service can impact on shelf availability with consequences to the bottom line of both the food supplier and your customers. Just like many businesses producing perishable food, electronic data interchange (EDI) is a vital tool for you, driving round-the-clock operations, reducing costs and securing efficiencies.

So, you select the SAP version of our EDI solution to integrate with your existing SAP back office accounting system to automate the flow of orders, invoices and a variety of other file types, allowing you to react instantly to the constantly evolving needs of your customers and consumers.
Now, you have an EDI solution which provides you with total reliability and enables you to seamlessly supply the major supermarket groups such as Tesco and Sainsbury, bulk sandwich makers and a wide range of other smaller groups and independents too. You’re now automating the exchange of orders, invoices and various other file types, as well as reducing costs and improving efficiencies through our EDI solution.
„We have been very pleased with TrueCommerce. With many business critical files being transferred each day, we need total reliability from our EDI software and that’s just what we have. Major retailers and their suppliers, especially those in the food industry, understand that EDI provides their organisations with essential supply chain efficiencies.“
Ian Dando, IT Manager at Frank Roberts