Overcome supply chain uncertainty through your EDI solution

With supply chain issues affecting order fulfilment more than ever, there has never been a better time to improve the handling of shortages. Our EDI upgrade lets you easily present your customers with alternatives to help maximise sales, whilst providing improved levels of customer service.


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Interactive Product Substitutions and Self Service through EDI

For TrueCommerce EDI users, a simple upgrade to your existing EDI system can instantly provide your customers with visibility into lead times and the ability to arrange product alternatives, whilst conducting post sale self-service, such as reporting shortages and requesting returns, helping you reduce the hidden cost of order processing and eliminate customer service calls.

Key features of our EDI upgrade

Maximise revenue by capturing sales with product alternatives

Reduce admin workload by replacing manual tasks with automated equivalents

Reduce the hidden cost of order processing by reinvesting valuable time into more strategic areas of the business

Improve the speed and efficiency of dealing with inventory shortages on your EDI orders

Improve customer service levels by offering online self-service

Fast and easy to implement – just upgrade your existing EDI solution