EDI trading platform for Amazon suppliers

The TrueCommerce solution allows you to streamline your electronic trading with Amazon whilst providing the ability to integrate the data into your ERP system.

If you’ve been invited to sell products direct to Amazon through the Vendor Central program and you would like to streamline your electronic trading, TrueCommerce can get you set up and running in no time. We help complete the entire process, making it easy to integrate and automate the exchange of business documents with Amazon, whilst complying with Amazon’s strict requirements.

The Complete EDI Solution for Amazon Suppliers At TrueCommerce, we offer a pain free and compliant solution for all of our customers who want to connect to Amazon and automate the exchange of order acknowledgements, ASNs, purchase orders and invoices with the ability to integrate the data into your ERP system if required.

The TrueCommerce team liaise directly with Amazon to ensure our clients systems are configured to Amazon’s specifications. As part of our managed service, TrueCommerce preside over our client’s entire EDI journey, removing the complexity at each stage of the process. Thorough testing is completed, ensuring messages flow seamlessly between our clients and Amazon before the connection goes live whilst comprehensive support is provided as standard.

Our managed service team help businesses transform EDI from a potentially expensive but unavoidable overhead into a business opportunity by providing the necessary experience, skills and infrastructure, to allow companies to concentrate on their core competencies.

Multiple Amazon Accounts
If you have multiple Amazon accounts, there is no need to set up each one separately, all the testing is completed from the initial setup. Through the TrueCommerce platform companies can amalgamate their accounts within one solution, managed by our team of EDI experts. All our clients need is a separate GLN for each account and as part of our service to you, we will take care of the rest.

Integrated EDI and Amazon
Clients who opt for an integrated EDI solution can eliminate manual re-entry and re-processing of data when transacting electronic business documents with Amazon. With ERP integration, messages are sent directly from our clients back office system into Amazon Vendor Central. This integration software automates the flow of orders/ invoices/ASN’s and allows companies to reinvest their time into more crucial areas of the business.