AS2 is a communication method that supports all Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and any other exchange of information through the Internet using HTTP. Internet-based EDI communication has been available for some time, but its popularity increased in the early 2000s with the use of AS2 EDI and its products. In 2002, AS2 EDI was adopted as standard practice by the retail and CPG Industry, which increased the usage of AS2 EDI across various industries.
AS2 differs from EDI because it uses TCP/IP — the primary communication language of the internet — rather than a Value Added Network (VAN), and the receiving machine must be connected to the internet when the message is sent. Like EDI, AS2 can handle all file formats and is ideally suited to the transferring orders and invoices.
Part of AS2 EDIs popularity and efficiency lies in its use of digital signatures, receipts, data compression and encryption codes. All of these factors increase the security of EDI communication and information transmittance. Security is especially critical in an age where encrypted transactions are essential to avoid third-party unauthorised interception of company or client data. With AS2 EDI, companies can remain confident in transmitting sensitive business data.
Every AS2 EDI document can receive an automatic response. With an AS2 system, the sending party is alerted when the document is received successfully, or if unsuccessful, a message informs them that the document will be queued for re-sending. This allows parties to know with immediate certainty that an EDI transactional set was sent without manually checking each time.