Travis Perkins plc: EDI Case Study


Travis Perkins plc builds a secure foundation with EDI Managed Service from TrueCommerce

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Picture this… you’re the UK’s largest distributor of materials to the building, construction and home improvement markets. With 20+ businesses in the Group and approximately 28,000 employee’s across more than 2,000 branches, stores and sites around the UK, you continue to be the market leader.

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But, a small team of internal EDI specialists are developing and supporting your third party, in-house EDI solution. Whilst initially fit for purpose, over time the solution has become increasingly difficult to support and fails to offer the scalability that is required.

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So, you decide that an outsourced solution is more appropriate to your requirements. As part of the transition process, the TrueCommerce managed service team handles the onboarding of customers and suppliers, including the end-to-end communications with your trading partners, the mapping of all document types and the testing of all your messages.

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Now, you have a robust and reliable EDI solution for trading with both your customers and suppliers. Plus, you can concentrate on managing the demand for EDI services across the business, leaving TrueCommerce to manage the EDI platform, day-to-day support and on-boarding of trading partners. Also you no longer need to worry about the diverse range of technical standards, data formats, and communication and security protocols that you previously had to manage internally and can instead focus on more strategic activities.

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“The transition was smooth thanks to the thorough testing process supported by TrueCommerce. Over 1,000 customers and suppliers were moved seamlessly on to the TrueCommerce platform.”

Mark Elvy, IT Development Manager at Travis Perkins plc