SAP EDI Integration: 3 benefits


September 4, 2018

TrueCommerce EDI SAP integration fully automates the flow of information between trading partners, enabling you to streamline your processes, improve visibility and shorten order-to-cash/purchase-to-pay cycles.

Speed and accuracy

An integrated EDI solution becomes necessary when a business is looking to accelerate order processing and reduce lead times. By eliminating cumbersome administrative burdens and centralising the flow of documents into your back office system, integration software frees up time to be spent on other more critical areas of the business. By working in conjunction, EDI and ERP systems such as SAP reduce the need for human intervention and subsequent errors.


Centralisation refers to the concentration of control of an activity or organisation under a single authority. For many businesses, having a core business system where all information is stored and managed streamlines business processes and helps to increase efficiencies. SAP integration allows companies to send and receive EDI messages directly to their trading partners and leverage existing business logic and processes that are supported within SAP, enabling them to benefit from a seamless order to cash process.


In a recent TrueCommerce study, the top two business priorities for UK companies was revenue growth and managing costs. SAP integration enables businesses to grow their revenues without reaching an administrative tipping point, whereby they struggle to cope with the increased workload that growing the business entails. For businesses without the infrastructure in place to capitalise on growth, a vast increase in sales can represent a poisoned chalice.

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