Electronic Invoicing in Romania

Romania area on the satellite B map in the stereographic projection - raw composition of raster layers with dark glowing outline

February 9, 2024


 In October 2023, the Romanian Ministry of Finance published new legislation requiring the mandatory issuance and reporting of electronic invoices. This process will be carried out through the Romanian CTC platform: RO e-Factura.  

The platform has been available since November 2021 for both Business-to-Government (B2G) and Business-to-Business (B2B) invoice processing. However, it has only been mandatory for B2G electronic invoices. 

Format and Platform 

  • Format: RO_CIUS based on UBL 2.1.  
  • Central Platform: RO e-Factura. 


  • Domestic B2B invoices.
  • B2G invoices (already mandatory).


1st January 2024: B2B e-reporting becomes mandatory for both established and non-established companies. E-reporting involves sending summary information about all invoices, but the final invoice must still be sent to the end recipient. 

1st July 2024: B2B e-invoicing through CTC becomes mandatory for established companies, while non-established ones may continue with e-reporting. All B2B and B2G companies are obligated to exchange invoices electronically through the RO e-Factura portal. 


No fines for the first three months (January 1 to March 31, 2024). Penalties for non- compliance will be imposed after this period. 

It appears that Romania is gradually moving towards making electronic invoicing compulsory for businesses and aiming to streamline processes whilst enhancing efficiency through the RO e-Factura platform. Businesses should take note of the specified deadlines to avoid penalties. 

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