Leatherman Tool Group



Eliminate chargebacks and expensive consulting overhead by replacing a legacy EDI system with a robust, scalable and easy-to-use EDI solution that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Dynamics AX.


Implement a fully embedded EDI solution for Microsoft Dynamics AX that meets Leatherman Tools’ evolving EDI requirements as well as those of their diverse retail customers in today’s more complex omni-channel retail environment.


  • High-volume throughput to support a growing trading community and increased transaction exchanges, including burgeoning demand for B2C distribution
  • Shifted the skillset requirements needed to manage EDI from expensive, third-party consultants to internal business users who know the customer relationships best
  • Faster, simpler and more reliable order processing workflow with significantly reduced chargebacks
  • Dramatically faster and simpler process for onboarding new EDI trading partners, as well as maintaining compliance with existing partners’ EDI requirements
  • Reduced IT management overhead and administrative effort associated with system outages

“Since going live with TrueCommerce EDI, we’ve already experienced a 75% reduction in EDI spend compared to the same period last year.”

Travis Pierce
IT Director
Leatherman Tool Group