What is AS2 EDI?

AS2 EDI is a facet of Electronic Data Interchange communication methods that supports all EDI communication and any other transmittance of information through the Internet using HTTP. Internet-based EDI communication has been available for some time, but popularity increased in the early 2000s with the use of AS2 EDI and its products. In 2002, AS2 EDI was adopted as standard practice by the Retail and CPG Industry, which increased the usage of AS2 EDI across various industries.

The TrueCommerce Solution

TrueCommerce provides a range of EDI solutions to meet the requirements of small, emerging, mid-market and enterprise businesses. With over 120,000 trading partner connections in our network, we can seamlessly connect you to all customers, suppliers and 3PL’s. Whether you’ve been asked to trade via AS2 by your customers or you’re looking to roll out an electronic trading initiative to your suppliers, TrueCommerce can help.