B2B eCommerce Platform for the Automotive Parts Industry

Increase sales by easily expanding into new regions, providing a better service and offering greater flexibility to your customers.


The automotive industry is becoming increasingly competitive with suppliers constantly improving their processes to increase their share of the market and the addition of automotive products on Amazon in 2017 has showcased how eCommerce can be successfully utilised to accelerate this growth. The TrueCommerce B2B eCommerce platform provides an out of the box configurable solution for the automotive industry, which allows suppliers to instantly scale their business into new regions whilst offering advanced B2B features such as telesales order processing, procurement and purchase controls, order negotiations and stock visibility. We’ve got extensive experience in the automotive industry, helping companies such as Prodrive increase sales around the globe.

Scale your business internationally

One of the quickest ways to quickly grow your business is to expand sales to new regions, however, different languages, pricing and time zones can often present challenges to this approach. B2B eCommerce overcomes these challenges by providing an online presence which can be projected to the relevant regions whilst delivering 24/7 access and automated translations. The pricing engine within the TrueCommerce solution ensures you can cater your prices by customer, location or individual users so the online experience can easily be catered to each audience regardless of their location.

Provide confidence with greater cost controls

Moving to online ordering doesn’t mean a reduction in control for your customers, in fact quite to the contrary. The TrueCommerce B2B platform provides a set of purchase and cost controls that enable your customers to manage budgets and authority to buy seamlessly, whilst still benefitting from the speed and efficiency of online ordering. The platform allows spend limits to be set across buyers, departments, and locations and where required multiple levels of sign off approval can be required giving your customers complete peace of mind. If required the platform also enables orders to be assigned to cost centres.

Connect your B2B storefront to your back office system

Connect your eCommerce website to your accounting, warehouse management or order processing systems to improve efficiencies and remove the need for rekeying, whilst increasing visibility across your business. The TrueCommerce B2B eCommerce platform has comprehensive integration capabilities with a powerful framework which allows rapid integration with business systems including SAP, Sage, Microsoft & Oracle.

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Improve customer service with increased visibility and back order management

Due to the nature of the industry speed is critical in the supply of automotive parts but so too is visibility. With so many parts involved in the manufacture of a car (according to Toyota 30,000), the delay of just one part can have have a huge knock on effect and it is therefore critical that you provide your customers with the information they need to manage their operations accordingly. The TrueCommerce B2B eCommerce platform provide your customers with real time stock levels and stock notifications, together with delivery timelines and order tracking, so they can make informed purchasing decisions, manage exceptions and plan accordingly. Providing this level of transparency not only increases levels of customer satisfaction, you will benefit from a reduction in the number of calls your receive from your customers checking stock levels and the status of back orders.

Support offline sales with B2B eCommerce

With a comprehensive sales order processing screen, enable your telesales and field sales teams to take offline sales opportunities into the online world for quicker and easier processing. Improve customer service and reduce the cost of sale with quick access to customer account information, product lists, pricing and promotions, whilst removing errors from manually processing orders.

Remove complexity from B2B orders with compatibility functionality

In a sector like automotive, it is crucial that your customers can quickly and easily confirm which of your products are compatible with a certain make/model of vehicle or machine. With the TrueCommerec B2B eCommerce platform products can be linked to enable the customer to check compatibility of the item or apply a filter to only see the items that are applicable to the particular make/model they are purchasing the part for. This not only speeds up the ordering process for your customers, it drastically reduces the amount of incorrectly ordered items and return requests that you need to process.

Improve efficiency with a streamlined quotation process

For some products where multiple variables are involved, it is not always possible to publish prices and instead customers need to request a quote or pricing is on application. Enabling your customers to request, manage and submit quotes online, with a simple one click conversion to sales order, provides an improved customer experience, whilst saving you time and money. With the TrueCommerce platform you can control which customers can request a quote, whilst also providing the ability to set parameters based on quantity or value.

A single B2B platform for all your orders

TrueCommerce enables you to capture all of your B2B orders on one single platform, increasing efficiency and visibility across your supply chain.

Whilst our B2B eCommerce solution is ideal for your smaller customers that do not use EDI, if your clients include large corporations, it is likely you need to trade with them via electronic data interchange (EDI). As well as our market-leading EDI solution, we also have a PDF order processing solution ensuring you have a range of solutions for trading with all your customers, regardless of their size or their technical capabilities.

All of your customers’ orders, regardless of how they are received, are converted into a standard digital format and sent to your business system for processing.